HOW? Constructing a VES diagram (H5) - Type 1 VES uses as a framework the business model containing the components: Participant (People and the Roles they play), and the flow of Deliverables.
HOW? VES Visualization options (H4) Summarized are four basic ways you can use to develop a VES diagram.
News Achieving Organizational Agility The pathway outlined here in the attached document is a unique, defensible, and valid approach to tackling the challenge of gradually enhancing organizational agility.
WHAT? VES Analyses (W6) With VES you can co-assess the effectiveness of Participant contributions and subsequently enhance overall organizational performance if warranted.
WHAT? Participants' Contributions (W5) I am not a human resource, thank you, nor a human asset or capital. I am a human being. Henry Mintzberg - Understanding Organizations…Finally Courtesy of Dr Charles Ehin's We Space Theory
HOW? Preparation (H3) Prepare yourself and your colleagues to enter the exciting world of VES - in simple steps. Watch the short video...
HOW? A significant UK week-end (H2) It is appropriate to pause and reflect on the way we all behave and interact with each other in organizations.
HOW? Outline of VES drawing Methods (H1) Examples in D2 show how VES can be presented as diagrams for
DO! Real Value Exchanges (D2) COLLABORATION: the essence of ORGANIZATIONAL AGILITY Agreed working VES diagrams for ongoing