DO! AI (D8) This post discusses the potential dangers of artificial intelligence (AI) taking over and the importance of managing AI effectively.
DO! ICE Governance Review (D7) Do lawyers' methods of "written" communication need engineer's insights to encourage informed dialogue?
DO! The "EAGLE" organizational paradigm (D6) The new Eagle Organizational Paradigm provides users with a straightforward, powerful, and innovative approach to enhance their efforts to stay competitive in challenging business environments.
DO! Leasehold conveyancing nightmare made easier (D5) Former McCarthy and Stone developments containing flats for middle-aged and older occupants
HOW? Constructing a VES diagram (H8) - Type 4 Have you ever felt ineffectual in a situation that warranted your contribution:
HOW? Constructing a VES diagram (H7) - Type 3 It can be useful to create a VES diagram from data. This
HOW? Constructing a VES diagram (H6) - Type 2 VES provides three templates as an aid to expressing business models. In
HOW? Probing the robustness of human interactions (H5) 3) The robustness of human interactions is crucial for organizational success as it
HOW? Assessing innovation risk (H5) 2) The Father of Modern Management, the late Peter Drucker, discovered that, rather
HOW? Testing business viability (H5) 1) Far from being static, organizations evolve, adapt, and surprise us with emergent